Intelligent automation

Create intelligent data entry forms with built-in logic. The intuitive interface lets you build simple to complex CRF in a matter of days.
You can create your library starting from the ready-to-use templates, that allows you to generate professionals CRF tailor-made for your clinical trial.

Technical configurations of software, hardware, and server connections are automatically generated and managed by Fastrial:

  • Powerful rules and edit checks are already incorporated in the system.
  • Eliminate the risk of compliance issues and errors relying on pre-configured features.
  • Dedicated features allow you to easily reuse eCRF elements between different forms and projects, with a substantial reduction of CRF design time.
  • Edit checks and rules can be set and updated without any programming experience.
  • All these features reduce the need of Help Desk consultation and allow you to concentrate on CRF design only.