CardiAQ Valve Tech vs Neovasc : Ruling from Appeals Court on TIARA patent family

1 September 2017

Neovasc Inc. (“Neovasc” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ, TSX: NVCN) reported today, in a non-precedential opinion, a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed the judgment of the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts in the case of CardiAQ Valve Tech., Inc. v. Neovasc Inc. The panel[…]

New AHA/ACC guideline on valvular heart disease management

15 March 2017

On March 15, 2017 the AHA/ACC have released a focused update of guidelines for the treatment of patients with valvular heart disease. The new guidance has been updated to reflect the latest research since the last guidelines were published in 2014. Specifically, the focused update includes changes in – indications for antibiotic prophylaxis for infective[…]

European council unanimously adopts MDR and IVDR, introducing deep changes in world’s second-largest device market.

13 March 2017

The European Union new rules governing medical device and in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) are one step away from final approval. The 28 members of the Council of the EU unanimously voted to adopt the Medical Device Regulations (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostics Regulations (IVDR), just two weeks after releasing the final texts of the regulations.[…]

EU Finalizes New Medical Device Regulations (MDR) which update the regulatory framework for the marketing of devices and IVDs in Europe

6 March 2017

The Council of the European Union has completed the final versions of the Medical Device Regulations (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostics Regulations (IVDR), which update the regulatory framework for the marketing of devices and IVDs in Europe, the world’s second-largest device market. After the initial draft was made available in May 2016, the content has[…]

BioVentrix Announces NUB Reimbursement Status 1 for Revivent TC™ TransCatheter Ventricular Enhancement System in Germany

6 February 2017

BioVentrix, Inc. a pioneer of technologies and procedures for less invasive treatment of heart failure (HF), announced that InEk, the German Institute for the Hospital Remuneration System, has awarded NUB Status 1 for the Revivent TC™ TransCatheter Ventricular Enhancement System. The NUB process supports introduction of new and innovative medical devices in Germany. It allows[…]